What's On
1 – 6 August 2025.
Following 2024’s retreat Mind the Gaps presented by Fr Bernard McGrath, this retreat continues to explore the spiritual wealth available when we engage with the vastness of the universe in the context revealed in the landscape of the desert. Reflecting on the unsolved mysteries of the created universe, and the space encountered in Central Australia, the retreat will invite participants to be wise and ponder our human experiences and the tensions they can give rise to.
Through the retreat ‘Space to Be’ we will reflect together to bridge the gap between our experiences and their deeper meaning, through the light of our practice of meditation. Within the wonderful and deeply moving context of the heart of Australia represented in the image of the West MacDonald ranges (right), we will be privileged to participate in sites sacred to our indigenous brothers and sisters, reflecting within the landscapes of their sacred sites which point to the light on the horizon before all of us.
Fr Bernard Leslie McGrath is a Benedictine monk living in the Arcadia Monastery, NSW. He is a biblical theologian with special interests in spirituality, the emerging theologies of scriptural texts and the insights of literary criticism. He is an experienced international retreat leader. This is his third visit to Campfire and draws on his earlier experiences of desert spirituality.
Cost: Packages from $450 – $1,095
From late Friday afternoon 1st August until Wednesday lunchtime 6th August.
There will be 3 levels of accommodation offered, numbers are limited in each level, all-inclusive prices for the 5 nights are
* Private room $1,095 per person
* Shared room $775 per person
* Swag camping $635 per person
* It’s possible to come daily (non-residential) $450 for all sessions and meals
Free accommodation (in a caravan) is reserved for one volunteer, in exchange for their assistance throughout the event, ideally arriving a few days before the retreat and staying on afterward to assist with clean-up and preparing for the next guests. Minimum 2-week volunteering stay. More information about volunteering here.
ENQUIRIES Susan Sullivan soosully@icloud.com
Bernard Leslie McGrath OSB bmcgrath1048@gmail.com
To enquire about possible scholarship assistance taylor.judi@outlook.com