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Spring Newsletter 2024

Sep 23, 2024

Retreat centre

Dear friends of Campfire in the Heart,

‘Angels appearing’ might well be the title of this newsletter, we continue to be so blessed in so many ways … our generous volunteers, and just the right ones when we need … our retreatants so graciously opening to the place in all its aspects, even as we may have been disappointed by how small the groups have been … the retreat leaders and their support people, such wonderful offerings engaging those here profoundly .. and most recently our first meditator-in-residence, our long time Christian meditation fellow pilgrim, Peter Murphy a Catholic priest from Auckland whose “yes” was so encouraging “I have a sense of excitement looking at the website”. Peter will stay on after Bernard McGrath’s retreat for the month of September. Our morning online meditation and prayer times continue to sustain us in challenging times, and joyful ones alike. You’ll see articles below from some of the angels sent to us.

Wonderfully the smaller retreats allow AirBnB bookings to be made in our unused cabins, always an opportunity for people to ‘come and see’, many joining in the weekly activities and often returning again. We are very grateful for the breathing space, time to reflect and discern that income from short term rentals provides, while, as we know, the costs are ever-present and increasing.

This time of year sees us beginning to look ahead, exploring what to hold constant and where to try something new. We’d love to hear from you if you’re considering a Campfire retreat in 2025, holding one or attending one.

We invite you to read below a reflection on the “Mind the Gaps” retreat held in August by Kathy Moran and another on volunteering at Campfire by Ana Feord.

Each morning we give thanks and praise for “so much more than we could ask or imagine”. As we come towards another year’s end, we thank each of you for your loving support of Campfire standing as a place of friendship and respect, and hope and justice for all.

Peace and blessings,

Judi, Paul and the Campfire Companions (Board)

To read the full newsletter, including upcoming events click here.

Fran Pegrem (left) with Nicola Pitt (right)