What's On

Mind the Gaps

Retreat centre

11 – 16 August 2024. 

Practicing Christian Meditation is a way which takes both space and time. It means creating gaps, separating our imaginings, thinking, planning from our being. In the words of John Main “we let go of them because we know we must enter into total silence.” The silence, too, is a gap for “at first it seems an emptiness and an absence.”

In meditation we stand back from all our questions and, in that very process, we discover a harmony and an integration that become the basis of all our subsequent use of the great human gifts we have been given. The peace, the stillness and the harmony that we experience in meditation becomes the basis for all our action. All our judgments are now illumined, inspired by love because we know that that love is the very ground of our being.” (The Way of Unknowing).

You are invited to join our retreat conscious of the importance of our search for God, our setting is the evocative landscape of Central Australia, including an excursion into the East MacDonnell Ranges. The days will be marked by a rhythm of prayer, meditation and silence, with input from Fr Bernard supported by Susan Sullivan, a long-time member of our meditation community www.wccm.org, reflecting on the day and sharing around the campfire in the evenings, with an opportunity to share in the Eucharist, and to walk the labyrinth, as well as an introduction to dadirri and other contemplative practices.

Cost: Packages from $555 – $995

Retreat centre