What's On

The Essence of Self-Realisation

Retreat centre

26 – 29 September 2024. 

A three-day retreat exploring the spiritual path of self-realisation through the wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’.

“The true basis of religion is not belief, but intuitive experience.  Intuition is the soul’s power of knowing God.  To know what religion is really all about, one must know God.”  Paramhansa Yogananda, ‘The Essence of Self-Realization’.

The journey of this retreat begins with an informal group discussion on the topic of ‘happiness’.

The search for happiness is what drives us in the world.  Not merely to experience pleasure, but also to avoid suffering.  We look for happiness in material things or experiences, until at some point we realise that the happiness sought in these ways is illusive and transient at best, and at some point unfulfilling, and we begin a deeper search.

This worldly search for happiness is a reflection of the longing of the soul for the bliss of God experienced in the Self.  The path of self-realisation is the teachings and practices which bring us to the experience of God within each of us.

Using the chapter themes of the book, ‘The Essence of Self-Realization’, together we will take a journey of exploration, not merely philosophical but with deep personal spiritual application.

You will have the opportunity to practice the universal techniques brought by Yogananda: Hong Sau meditation and Energisation Exercises, and experience the devotional practice of kirtan (chanting).

A copy of the book, The Essence of Self-Realization: The Wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda is included in the course fee.  This book is a compilation of wisdom spoken by Yogananda (author of ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’) as heard by his disciple, Swami Kriyananda.

The retreat will be held by Brahmacharini Bhakti, a long-time disciple of Yogananda and a founding member of Ananda Sangha Australia.

Cost: Packages from $404 – $674


What else is included:

3 x nights accommodation (mostly shared bathroom facilities)
all meals fully catered
3 x guided meditations per day
2 x yoga classes



Free accommodation (in a caravan) will be reserved for one volunteer, in exchange for their assistance throughout the event. Ideally arriving a few days before the retreat and staying on afterwards to assist with clean-up and preparing for next guests. Minimum 2-week volunteering stay.

Retreat centre