What's On

Beholding Divine Beauty, an invitation

Retreat centre

10 – 15 May 2024. 

How do we behold beauty … taste it, experience its offerings? Where is beauty in our lives? How to consciously receive even momentary impressions of its presence.

Could this be a source of daily nourishment, of encouragement in these uncertain times. How might beauty “save the world”?

When is beauty divine, sacred … where does meditation sit in it all?

Over the days in the evocative landscape of Central Australia, we will explore these questions, encouraging each other in our ‘noticing’ in the way of dadirri and other contemplative practices, sharing around the campfire each evening what has ‘come’ to us, been revealed.

Our hope is increasingly to attune ourselves and our times of silent prayer to the rhythm of the place where we are, to all and everything.

The days will be marked by a cycle of prayer, meditation and silence, held by Paul and Judi Taylor, long-time members of our meditation community www.wccm.org

Retreat centre